Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Close Call

It's interesting how a person in a Nyquil induced sleep can be shaken awake. I remember the days when I used to be able to take said medicine and be out for hours. Not even an earthquake could wake me.

I have a head cold, and a week of work(because I have no sick time) and dealing with "monkey children" yesterday, forced me to bring out the heavy duty medicine. I only took a half dose so I could still be semi functional if DS needed me in the middle of the night.

But it wasn't DS who woke me, it was a phone call from DH. You know when a conversation starts out "I don't want you to freak out but..." that it's not going to be good news. Luckily for our little family the news wasn't as bad as it could have been - as bad as it has been for so many families. DH is ok, and so are the other soldiers he was with, but it was a close call with an IED. I don't know the particulars, and quite frankly that's ok with me! But I could hear the anxiety and fear in DH's voice so it had to have been a pretty damn close call.


Nicole said...

Oh my gosh Mags--I am shaking just reading this. ((Hugs)) for you. I cant imagine it is to be this far away when you get news like that.

Doodle - said...

Goodness Gracious, Mags, this is a true answer to prayers. Thank you God for protecting him!

RollerCoaster said...

Thank goodness he is ok! It must have been so scary for you!