Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Exactly An Ideal Homecoming

So DH came home on Thursday! Finally! It was a great day:-)

Friday, DS came down with the flu - swine flu. Oh, great! Luckily we caught it early and were able to get a course of tamiflu started. That stuff ROCKS! He's well on the mend and will be back to school tomorrow if he stays fever free today.

And my ob's on-call started me on a preventative course as well. Guess he sees pg ladies in the ER alot and it can get bad quickly if you don't keep an eye on it. Better safe than sorry. So far the rest of us have managed to avoid getting sick.

Poor kid has been cooped up in the house since Friday. He's got cabin fever and I'm sure will be glad to get back to class.

The GD is under better control now. They put me on oral meds and that seemed to do the trick, along with increased exercise.

Feeling pretty good now, just have an intense desire to run. Not sure why but there's no way right now, lol! 11 weeks and this kid will be here! OMG! Where has the time gone?

Thursday, September 03, 2009


I'm being referred to a perinatologist!

Ok, deep breath and I'll start from the beginning. I had my 3hr GTT a few weeks ago (5-6 weeks ago) and my numbers were a little high. No biggie, I expected it since I had GD w/DS. They gave me a monitor and I've been testing 4x/day for a month now and have seen little progress in keeping my numbers low. Now, I'll admit I haven't been getting a lot of exercise and am now making a huge effort to walk more during the day - treadmill and more errands at work. I'm also being more careful about my diet. This seems to be taking care of the daytime/post meal numbers.

What has me concerned is my first reading in the morning, right after I wake up. It's staying pretty consistently over 100. So I called my ob about a week ago and the doc was out. He got back earlier this week but I hadn't heard anything until today. I didn't think the numbers were THAT bad...

So now I'm a little freaked. Not alot, just a little. What else will they find wrong? What if we don't get the numbers under control? Is this going to kick start Type 2? What if...what if...what if.... I don't know when my appt is yet. They are supposed to call me next week.

I need a distraction and I think it's going to come in the form of DH coming home! We've got a preliminary timeframe of the last two weeks of Sept. LOL! That's helpful. So my mind has been making lists of things I need to get done before he gets home. Most of it is do-able (without over doing) with the exception of the painting. I'll leave that for him to do:-) It'll help him feel useful...riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt! LOL!

DS is excited and has been for a while. Between having so much fun at school and getting ready for Daddy to come home I think he's going to go crazy! We're going to have to bust out the poster board and paints and make some signs next weekend.