Thursday, September 03, 2009


I'm being referred to a perinatologist!

Ok, deep breath and I'll start from the beginning. I had my 3hr GTT a few weeks ago (5-6 weeks ago) and my numbers were a little high. No biggie, I expected it since I had GD w/DS. They gave me a monitor and I've been testing 4x/day for a month now and have seen little progress in keeping my numbers low. Now, I'll admit I haven't been getting a lot of exercise and am now making a huge effort to walk more during the day - treadmill and more errands at work. I'm also being more careful about my diet. This seems to be taking care of the daytime/post meal numbers.

What has me concerned is my first reading in the morning, right after I wake up. It's staying pretty consistently over 100. So I called my ob about a week ago and the doc was out. He got back earlier this week but I hadn't heard anything until today. I didn't think the numbers were THAT bad...

So now I'm a little freaked. Not alot, just a little. What else will they find wrong? What if we don't get the numbers under control? Is this going to kick start Type 2? What if...what if...what if.... I don't know when my appt is yet. They are supposed to call me next week.

I need a distraction and I think it's going to come in the form of DH coming home! We've got a preliminary timeframe of the last two weeks of Sept. LOL! That's helpful. So my mind has been making lists of things I need to get done before he gets home. Most of it is do-able (without over doing) with the exception of the painting. I'll leave that for him to do:-) It'll help him feel useful...riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt! LOL!

DS is excited and has been for a while. Between having so much fun at school and getting ready for Daddy to come home I think he's going to go crazy! We're going to have to bust out the poster board and paints and make some signs next weekend.

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