Sunday, February 08, 2009

Can I Confess...

that I'm so tired of being sick and tired. Yes, that's the same line I used in my FB status a few days ago but it's still true.

that I miss my DH terribly and am looking forward to his coming home in a few weeks on R&R.

that I got very frustrated by DS tonight at dinner. I'm very tired of hearing "I don't like/want that for dinner". It's really grating. I'm not a freaking short order cook and don't aspire to be one!

that despite my losing my cool he still wanted to snuggle with me after his bath and fell asleep in my lap. I love that!

that I haven't gotten out for another hike yet. This cold has been kicking my butt and the weather here hasn't been very good, well not good for us, lol.

that I am seriously going to get up and on the treadmill in the morning.

that I HATE how fat I've gotten in the last couple months and I am going to lose all that weight and more.