Friday, April 07, 2006


Today has been a day of getting absolutely nothing accomplished at work. It's the last day for one of my co-workers so we had a nice lunch for him, with cake and everything. This morning was spent putting out fires from yesterday but it wasn't anything that helped me get stuff done today. And this afternoon has been spent chatting with co-workers and catching up with "the boards."

I'm feeling so unmotivated to do work of any kind. I'd rather be home playing or out at the park with my son. It's a beautifully clear, warm day. Ah, well, tomorrow will be too, and the next day, and the next day, and the next is spring in Arizona after all! Soon enough we'll be running for the comfort of air conditioning trying to escape the 100+ degree temps that will be here all too soon. Even with that I think my DH is right, it's worth the trade off when we have spring days like today. The only thing that would make it better is if he were here to play with us.

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