Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Bad Penny

So, AF turned up today. It's not like I didn't expect her, just wish she wouldn't have waited til the middle of the day for crying out loud. Normally she makes her appearance bright and early in the day. Luckily I came to work prepared!

I guess this would explain why I'm in such a foul mood today. I'm trying not to take it out on unsuspecting strangers but I'll be damned if every person in the stupid tree hasn't fallen out as I walk by.

Well, at least we have one more try at this before DH leaves next month. I'm beginning to suspect that we are destined to be a family of three. DH says he's ok with that, so it's just me that has to come to terms with it.

I'm not complaining, really. I will take the blessing I've been given, the fact that my son is healthy and happy and so very smart. I know that not everyone is blessed with this gift, no matter how hard they work and pray to make it happen. I really am grateful, and sometimes I feel like I'm tempting fate by asking for a second miracle.

I suppose it's that I don't want my son to grow up an only child. I know that pleanty of people grow up as only children and are just fine. But I have a wonderful relationship with my sisters and I want him to have that too.

1 comment:

msfitzita said...

((((((((HUGS))))))))) Stupid, stupid AF. I'm sorry Mags. I hope you're able to add to your little family - and I hope it happens for you soon.