Monday, April 24, 2006

Getting my Irish up

I don't know why I let it happen. We were having such a wonderful day on Saturday. DH, our son and I had gone to New Mexico to visit my IL. We had a great day, despite my son being 2 and refusing to eat dinner.

We've taken the stance that he eats what he's served or he doesn't eat. I know it sounds harsh but I don't like being a short order cook. And I've discovered that 9 times out of 10 he'll actually EAT if I don't bug him or offer something else.

So my MIL, bless her heart, starts in on "Can't he have just a little cake?" and "It won't hurt him to have a small piece".

OK, so I was going to cave and let him....until she started in. DH stepped in, bless his heart, and made a PB&J sandwhich, which he ate before allowing him some cake. And so it begins.....

1 comment:

Momma Jen said...

Oh Mags! My DH caves WAY more than I do. It is so hard. Especially when they are so darn cute!!!