Monday, April 03, 2006

A dream is a wish your heart makes

OK, so I forgot about weekends, lol. I rarely get online on the weekends because I want to maximize the time I spend with my son.

When I started this blog I neglected to mention that, in addition to everything else going on, DH and I are TTC #2 to make our little family complete. We've been at this for about 8 cycles now...8 long, trying cycles. And in some circles that's not that long! I know some brave souls who have been at the TTC game for years.

Anyway, I am at the end of this cycle. AF should be here in just a day or two. And for the last few days, ok the last week, I've had some pretty convincing pg symptoms (IPS). I've been nauseated at the drop of a hat, I can smell everything, I get this weird tingling sensation all over my body, the list goes on and on. And like a fool, I POAS last Thursday and got a BFN. I convinced myself that that was just a fluke. It was too early - waaaayyyy too early. I knew that! So there was no reason to be upset, just wait a couple more days and test again.

I guess this has been weighing on my mind more than I thought because last night (well this morning really) I dreamed I POAS, which looked suspiciously like a thermometer, and got that illusive BFP. Not only was it + there were two +! Like I was looking thru a kalidascope. Needless to say I woke up and had to POAS right then and there. Imagine my disappointment when all there was to see was a single pink line. The damn thing didn't even have the generosity of spirit to at least make me squint at an imaginary line. Even without my glasses or contacts in I could tell it was screaming "no, No, NO you fool".

So now I wait for AF to show....

1 comment:

msfitzita said...

Oh Mags, I'm sorry. There's nothing worse than seeing that one stupid line staring back at you.
