Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stressed? Who Me?

Last night was NOT one of my more stellar moments. I'm feeling very overwhelmed and ended up in tears, yelling at DH for something very rediculous.

It started after leaving work. We stopped by the storage unit office to see if we can get a larger unit this week. They can do it but I, and only I, have to transfer the contract and we only have 2 days to move the stuff out of the old unit and into the new one.

OK, fine! Except that I have class every day this week, I have to work - including finish teaching the training session I started yesterday, I have a presentation due tomorrow that I haven't even STARTED yet, my paper for said presentation is due on Weds next week, I still have to meet with a very nice lady whom I am going to use as a resource for said paper, we (DH and I) still need to meet with the lawyer to draw up a will, and all this needs to be done before we leave for Las Vegas next Tuesday! Because yes, that is where DH is leaving from for training.

Can we please try to cram one more bloody thing in? I'm exhausted from the very short and intense trip to NM, which in hind sight I probably shouldn't have gone on, and I'm sick.

Enter Sears, who for some fucking reason can't seem to understand the concept of I have to work during business hours and can't drop everything just to run over there and sit in the dr.'s chair for 10 sec. Honestly! I'm so tired of dealing with them...yes, this goes back to a month ago when I went to have my eyes examined and get new contacts. They still aren't right and are driving me crazy.

Someone please stop the world, I want to get off now!

1 comment:

RollerCoaster said...

(((((HUGS))))) Life can sometimes get the better of us. Thinking of you...