When I was pregnant I belonged to two online communities for women due the same time I was. I really enjoyed both groups for the most part. Of course, as we had our babies and they grew older we went from an "expecting club" to a "play group", and I reconnected with a third group of ladies who were TTC or had gotten pg (finally). All was well and good, more or less.
One of the play groups was merged with mommies and babies from a couple of other months and I continued to post, though not with as much regularity. And in the last year or so I've pretty much stopped posting there all together.
Right before I stopped posting one of the women on that particular board became pregnant. It's not that I begrudge her her fertility. Under any other circumstances I would have been happy for her - even though sad for myself and several other ladies I know who are having fertility issues. This particular woman already had 4 kids and was told with her last one that she should not have any more babies because it would be detrimental to her health (read
you could die from this!) and yet there she was, pregnant with #5 and #6. Yup twins!
As it turned out she did lose one of the twins, unfortunately. She had the remaining baby a few weeks ago.
So, what does all this lead up to you might ask?
The stupid woman is actually considering risking another pregnancy! Augh!!!
got to stop lurking on that board. I find myself silently screaming at the posts on this subject, and a few others. I scream silently because DS is asleep in the next room;-) But somehow it's like watching an accident - I can't seem to turn away. Please, please please...someone make it STOP!!!
I suppose the best thing to do is to just delete the website bookmark from my favorites. That will remove the temptation of reading posts. I think I will, since most of the people I was "friends" with on that board no longer post, for what I'm assuming are many of the same reasons I no longer post (not just the pg woman "thing").