Friday, July 20, 2007

Settling In

It's been two days now since DH came home. Things are still working their way back to "normal" - whatever that is. We've got our trip to Las Vegas for the official welcome home this weekend. After that we can work on making plans for the future.

We did talk about what's next and agree that a move back to AZ is what we want. I've got a job interview in AZ on Tuesday so I'm hoping we'll be able to make that move soon!

Right now I'm just enjoying having him home and safe. DS is over the moon having Daddy home.

The hardest thing so far? Learning to share the bed, and the covers, again! LOL!

And yes, the little spat that first night blew over.


Lori said...

Glad to hear the spat blew over! LOL! Is he home for an extended period of time or is that yet to be determined?

Good luck with your interview!!

Nicole said...

Im so glad that he is finally home with you and Jack. Good luck with getting everything settled for a move to AZ