Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy and Sad

So, we are back from all the welcome home festivities. We survived the longest 4 days ever! We had a great time but I'm glad to be back "home" and trying to settle into a routine.

The only thing is, I'm not sure what sort of routine we should be settling into. It looks like I'm going to take the PT job in AZ so we can be back by the middle part of August when DH has to be back at work. This is going to be one heck of a couple weeks - keeping my head in my job and arranging for housing and moving our stuff back to AZ.

I'm desparately sad for my friend CK. The optimistic side of me (which is growing smaller by the day) wants to hold out hope that her twins will hang in there but I don't want to seem foolish when all the signs point otherwise. I think I'll go with the hope that a miracle will happen. I know not many of them have happened lately but if anyone deserves to have a miracle touch their lives it's CK and her Beloved.

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