Monday, January 29, 2007

I Got It!

So I started my new job today. I found out last Friday that they wanted me to take the position I'd interviewed for almost two weeks ago. I have to laugh because today wasn't any different from any other day really. Just a couple of short briefings added to the mix. The real schedule starts the week after next.

I'm still worried about the impact this is going to have on DS. I may end up having to switch day cares, though I'd rather not. I just don't like the idea of him being in day care for so long - have I mentioned that yet?

DS does seem to be doing a little better. He still has his moments where he gets quiet. I guess I'll just need to keep him busier. Week days aren't so bad, it's the weekends that have been rough. I'm hoping that this new job will help out with that. I'll have Saturday and Sunday off after this weekend. The fact that the weather is getting nicer and the days are getting longer helps too! I can't wait to get DS out into the back yard with his Tball set. He just loves baseball and asks to watch it all the time, lol! Yet another difficult thing to explain to a 3yo, the concept of a baseball season;-)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yay Mags!!! Congrats on getting the job. I hope you and DS adjust well to your new schedule. (((hugs)))