Friday, June 30, 2006

Update on Thing #1

Well, the good news is, the wallet was where we thought. The "pickup" found it in her back seat and is sending it to Seattle. It will be there when we get there. Whew! That's a relief.

As for his flight, well DH managed to get on his airplane and is headed home even as we speak. Apparently it IS possible to board an aircraft without picture id. I just don't want to know the details of the search he must have endured to get throught security;-)

So here I'll plug Continental Airlines, and say well done to their customer service dept. They've made a stressful situation less so!


Shannon (shan977) said...

YAY! I'm so glad everything turned out ok!

Anonymous said...

That is great news Mags glad it all worked out and he is probably home now. Hopefully no more stresses ;) GL