Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Am I Old Fashioned?

I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since I regaled you all with my oh so witty ramblings. RL has definitely moved into high gear both at work and at home. I haven't forgotten about this blog, so never fear.

My biggest observation over the last 10 days or so is that I must be more old fashioned than I thought. I didn't realize that it's ok to be a complete and total ass to your co-workers in a meeting - speaking to them in the rudest manner possible, talking about totally unrelated things to someone and not even trying to conceal the fact that I'm not talking about the meeting topic, and doing paperwork instead of paying attention and then completely bringing said meeting to a grinding halt when I ask about something the presenter just covered (and so much more) are apparently all ok!

Or maybe I just have my standards set too high... Whatever the case this is the kind of behavior I've had to witness first hand since late last week. It makes all day meetings go that much slower, that's for sure.

On the home front, two more weeks and counting. My packing is going slowly but I am getting alot of the clutter cleared out. I've got a mountain of shredding to do. I just hope my little shredder doesn't die on me before I'm done!

1 comment:

Momma Jen said...

Oh Mags, do you work w/me? Seriously!