Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Catching Up

The hell that was the software demos is now over, thank goodness.

Now all that's left for me to do is to train my replacement, finish packing, move the rest of the furniture into storage, keep my son from freaking out, give the apt a thorough once over with the cleaning products I've been dutifully stockpiling over the last few weeks, and somewhere in the midst of all this I need to sleep.

Sleep has been a luxury lately it seems. No, I'm not staying up all hours packing. I can't get anything else packed until I get the kitchen table moved out. I'm just not sleeping well. I'm sure it's the stress, but it sucks all the same.

And with the stress comes the inevitable cold. That's what my body does when I get too stressed out. I would really rather skip that part if you don't mind, for a couple of reasons. 1) It will make the drive that much less bareable and 2) it could potentially delay my cycle. I've got a very narrow window of opportunity with DH coming home next week. I really need for AF to show! And of course we all know what stress does to the body to begin with. Sigh!

I'm in a no win situation here, aren't I.

Oh, and if your local news hasn't been covering it, the high country in AZ is still on fire. I feel so bad for the people living in the Sedona area. It's one of my favorite places to visit.

I've also realized that I need to not watch CNN right now. I just can't imagine what the families of the two soliders who were killed yesterday are going through. I really don't want to imagine it. It's hard enough when any soldier is killed or wounded but for them to have suffered like they did... It just makes my blood run cold, and my heart ache for their mothers.


Shannon (shan977) said...

(((((HUGS))))) Mags
You've been going thru so much lately. Treat yourself to a margarita and relax for a couple of hours.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie treat yourself to a nice relaxing break...day at the spa or something or grab a Margarita like Shan suggested wow Im was tired reading this post!!

Kori said...

I actually hadn't heard about the fires *HUGS* and yes, stop watching CNN lol. I'm glad DH is coming home though :)

By the way I wanted to say thank you for your sweet comments to my blog posts of late and I think we're in a mutual admiration society because I think you're awesome! :) *HUGS*