Thursday, June 29, 2006

Second Guessing

This whole move has been a tremendous source of guilt for me. I find myself wondering if we are doing the right thing, at least as far as my son is concerned.

I hate what it is doing to him emotionally. He's really showing signs of being stressed about this whole thing and I feel like I'm not doing enough to help him through it.

This morning he insisted on taking Ojo (his bear) with us to school. He NEVER takes her out of the house except when we are going on a trip. And even then he only wants to hold her on the airplane.

And then I think about how much he's going to miss his friends and teachers at school. It literally brings me to tears.

I talk to him about the fact we will be leaving and going to stay with Grandpa and Grandma. How he'll get to see his cousin and aunts and uncle. But I know he doesn't fully understand and I worry how he's going to adjust to a new house and new school. I've tried to come up with creative ways to help him adjust but somehow they don't feel like they are enough.

Perhaps I'm over thinking this, but it didn't feel like it this morning when my son begged to take his Ojo with us to the car.


Anonymous said...

I think just making him feel a part of the whole process can be helpful, Ojo is obviously comforting to him and if he feels safer with the bear then so be it Im sure it will be temporary. Maybe ask him if he has any fears etc about the move and what you can do to make him feel more comfortable kids generally will open up. I know it will be hard but once he gets moved and settled into his room and starts his new school and makes friends you wont even remember feeling so upset and worried. Just take it one day at a time and put it in his perspective we know how stressful it is to move on us kids just need an extra bit of time to adjust KWIM. K I think I may have rembled a bit much on this HTH and GL with everything

Kori said...

You are doing a great job talking this through with J and kids work things out with the information they are given...I took it much harder that Zach's friends moved away - I thought he would be absolutely heartbroken and I cried about it. He made new friends, asked about his old friend and made a scrapbook of times he and his old friend had together so he could look at them whenever he wanted. Ojo is a familiar face to all the change around him and my goodness you should be SO proud of him for figuring out a way to make himself feel more secure and happy through all this transition. He is doing awesome and so are you :) *HUGS*