Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Zoo

The best part of a three day weekend is getting to spend some extra time with my son. I just love when we get that extra 24 hrs to do something fun together. This past Memorial Day weekend was especially nice considering how crazy weekends have been lately.

Sunday I dedicated to nothing but fun - no packing, no cleaning, no errands, just fun. So we packed ourselves up, slathered on the sun screen and headed for the zoo. It's a modest little zoo we have in Phoenix, dedicated to preservation and desert environment species mostly. No hippos, no polar bears, no penguins but fun just the same.

My son has reached the stage where he does not want to be riding in his stroller most of the time. I still bring it, especially to the zoo, because there are some hills and his little legs usually get tired about half way through. The stroller is definitely easier than carrying him, especially in 100+ degree heat!

So, we arrive and say hello to the turtles and fishies at the entrance and make our way in. First stop - the carousel. Who knew that a 2.5 year old would walk all the way around a carousel and pick the dolphin to ride on. Never mind the fact he was one of about 3 kids on the ride and could have picked just about any animal he wanted! LOL! It had to be the dolphin.

It was a wonderful day. We got to see one of the new cheetahs and (finally) the baby oranguatan! She's about 4 mos old now and so cute. And my son had a blast playing in the water fountain to take the edge off what was shaping up to be a really warm day. It took him a few minutes to get used to the water spraying up from the floor but once he did he really had a great time running from one part of the fountain to another.

The only thing that bothered me during our 2 hours at the zoo was all the pregnant bellies. Really! That's it. I mean just because every time I turned around there was another one walking by... It was like I had PGPS (Pregnancy GPS) or something! About half way through our walk I realized how much I was bothered by them. I really thought I was ok with the possibility of never being pregnant again. Guess I was wrong. I don't think I'll ever be ok with it.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like alot of fun at the Zoo, we love doing that near our house too and playing in the splash pad to cool down on those hot days like today. Sorry about the Pregnanat GPS one day I hope it happens for you :)

Kori said...

I loved going to the zoo with you :) in your post of course. Maybe someday we'll do it for real! :) I find that as a SAHM I take for granted the 3 day weekends. My moments aren't less special with the boys, but I do not 'notice' the holidays as much except for the fact that Zach is here all day LOL.

RollerCoaster said...

We love the zoo, too! It is our favorite thing to do! So glad you had some time to do something fun! And the pg radar and bellies...I know exactly how you feel. I don't think we ever really get over it...but it just dulls a bit. I am still hoping your day will come again....