Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not Good But Not Bad Either

So, I had my u/s this morning. It didn't start off very well. I waited 20 min past my appt time with a full bladder. Talk about painful! OMG! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk when the tech finally came to get me.

So we get in the room and the tech starts pushing(yeah, that's right push on an extremely full bladder) to see what she can see. The screen was facing us so I could see what was going on. There was a sac but nothing in it. I started to panic but managed to hold it in until she could get a better look. She took some measurements and said 5w3d. More panic rising in my brain - I'm supposed to be almost 7 weeks!

Just to double check she decided to do a transvag u/s. Luckily for me she let me go pee and then out came the "dildo cam", as a friend so lovingly calls it;-) Again the same measurement - 5w3d. More panic and tears threatening to cut loose.

So she's given the pictures to the dr to read and now I'm waiting to hear from them on what the next step is. Hopefully another u/s in a week or so, just to see what baby is doing in there.


Nikki said...

((((((((HUGS)))))))) Im praying all will be fine with baby and your next appt shows a wiggly little one in there!!!

Anonymous said...

((HUGS)) know that I am praying for you okay!!! Keep me posted!