Sunday, October 29, 2006


This weekend was "football weekend" around here. Friday night DS and I met my sisters and we all went to my (and my sister's) high school homecoming game. I haven't been to a LHS game in years - literally. It was very interesting. The band is still playing the same songs, the dance squad is still doing similar dances, the cheerleaders are still doing the same basic routines, and the football team still sucks. Who says things never stay the same!?

Saturday night was the big ASU v UW football game. My sister is a Husky and I (of course) am a Sun Devil. Not the biggest NCAA rivalry out there but close enough in our family. Both teams are mediocre at best. The game was close, closer than it should have been, but in the end we managed to edge the Dawgs in overtime. It was a nice few hours out without the boys, though it was good to pick DS up from my mom's house.

The other fun thing about last night's game was that my former supervisor came up from AZ. Her son and DIL live here so it was the perfect opportunity to see her. We chatted a little before the game started and, like my high school, nothing has changed. The difficult situation I left has not gotten any better, and quite frankly isn't likely to any time soon from the sounds of it. After she left to return to her seat I couldn't help thinking that we really did make the right decision, moving up here.

You see, I've been second guessing moving lately. Money is tight, much tighter than I anticipated, and I was beginning to question the wisdom of making a career change now. But after listening to the situation in my former job I have to say I'm glad I did it. I know this is a temporary situation, I'm just "paying my dues" and gaining experience I'll need to get a full time position when DH comes home next summer. It's nice to have that affirmation.

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