Sunday, July 30, 2006

Stop Asking Why Already

Why is it that people who shouldn't have babies are able to get one so easily?

This, my friends, is the $64,000 question of the day.

I just got back from taking DH to the airport. On the way there he called a friend of his from home. Now this guy is a nice guy, don't get me wrong. He has two kids from his first marriage. When his marriage went down the drain he hooked up with someone from his work. I think she also has a couple of kids from a previous marriage. In addition to this, J has a granddaughter who is about my son's age (maybe a little older) that he is supporting.

Now, the divorce between J and his first wife was less than pleasent (as if these things could ever be pleasent). He's not married to the gal from work - yet. I know this in and of itself is not reason to think they would be bad parents.

Back in April DH, DS and I had gone to visit the IL and DH's friends, including J. At one point the subject of babies came up and J mentioned that he and his girlfriend decided to NTNP. I immediately thought "Why?!" but managed NOT to say it out loud. At that point DH and I had been TTC actively for 9 or 10 cycles with no success.

Fast forward back to tonight, DH called J to see how things were going and found out that J and his girlfriend are in fact PG - approx 3.5 mos pregnant. By my calculations they got pg about the time we saw them last!

Call me shallow, call me a bitch, whatever. I just could not bring myself to congratulate them tonight. It's not fair that they were able to so quickly achieve what I, and a number of you, are unable to. I try not to judge people by their situations but for crying out loud. This is not the healthiest of relationships.

Sigh! I guess I'm just bitter that we've had to put so much on hold this year. Or maybe it's just the fact that AF decided to rear her ugly head today, three days early. Whatever it is I hope my mood lifts in the morning. It's been a long day.


RollerCoaster said...

(((((HUGS))))) It is never easy seeing anyone get pg when you have been trying for a while and want it so badly!

Shannon (shan977) said...

I completely understand and I agree it is not fair!