Friday, July 28, 2006

My Own Little World

Why does the world have to push its way into my little reality? I finally manage to convince myself that things will be ok with DH going overseas and things start to heat up over there again. And to have it intrude in my own city...

I wish I could block out the bad things that are happening. It makes me sick to think that I can't even make life plans beyond the next 6 mos. And that is pushing it. The uncertainty is crushing at times.

Aren't you so glad I'm back with my oh-so-cheery blog entries;-)

As my son would say "Thank you so much Mom-mom!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant imagine how difficult it must be for all of you and Im sending ((((HUGS)))) that the time flies by and your DH returns home quickly and safetly