Thursday, December 27, 2007

Side Tracked

OK, so I got a little side tracked the last couple of weeks and didn't update from my last post.

I did finally get a call back from the dr's office. The gal on the phone couldn't, or more likely wouldn't, give me any specific numbers. Great! Just what I need, someone who plays by the rules. So I made an appt to meet with the dr on Jan 7. So, another cycle down the drain more than likely. Even if I O'd late this cycle and the doc just hands over a scrip on the 7th, it will most likely need to wait until the following cycle. Tick...tock...tick...tock...

I found out an interesting tidbit about my FIL this weekend. He is fully aware of temping and charting. I discovered this when he made a comment to DH about hoping that "that" is successful - as he pointed at my thermometer sitting on the nightstand. Hmmm.....

All in all, it was a good Christmas visit. DS had a fun time playing with his cousins and helping FIL take care of the animals. I just wish we could have stayed another day or two.

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