Friday, October 05, 2007

Dreams Coming True

So, I realized that I forgot to update yesterday. I did POAS and it was BFP! It was faint but it was there. My temps have stayed up, and went up again this morning. My plan is to test again tomorrow morning and keep temping thru Monday or Tuesday. After that I'll put the thermometer away.

I told DH yesterday. I tried to be "cute" about it and send him a pic message at work but the picture didn't come out well. So I dressed DS in his "I'm the Big Brother" t-shirt and had him ask DH for some milk. When DH saw the shirt he was confused at first. It didn't take him long to figure it out though. LOL! I'm just relieved that he's happy.

My sister knows because she called me yesterday morning and asked me point blank. We'll tell the rest of our families after my first appt in a couple weeks.

OMG! We actually managed to get pg again. I was pretty much ready to admit defeat and move on. I'm going to be 39 this year. I know we are still in for a bit of a rollercoaster ride but we're ready.

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