Monday, March 05, 2007

An Update From The Front

The most disturbing phone call you can get from your husband is one that involves the word "explosion". Luckily it was him making the call, and wasn't a visit from a group of Army officials that includes the chaplain. I won't go into alot of detail, for obvious reasons, but I will say that today was the second time I was almost made a widow. The thought makes my blood run cold. It's one that plays at the back of your mind all the time and you hope to never allow it to come to the front.

We were lucky today, no one got hurt.

1 comment:

msfitzita said...

Oh my God!! Mags, I'm so sorry - what a horrible scare that had to have been! I don't know how you deal with this day in and day out. Thank God he is just fine and was the one making the call.

Thinking of you...
