Friday, December 01, 2006

Can It Really Be?!

My DS is three years old, well ok, he will be in about 20 min. OMG! Where has the time gone. I just can't get over how quickly the time has gone. Tonight we started the festivities of "birthday weekend" by taking DS out to Red Robin for dinner. He loves to eat there, especially when the waiters and waitresses sing "Happy Birthday" to people. Of course we told the waiter it was DS's birthday and they came and sang a song for him. He was SOOOOO excited! He danced in his chair while they were singing, lol.

I've spent the last few nights going through our pictures of DS to create a special little montage for his birthday. It was so tough to narrow it down. His first year seems like so long ago! I barely recognize my bigger boy as that baby, and yet I can still feel him nuzzle me as we nursed and that sweet baby smell still lingers on the edge of my mind, ready to come to the surface of my memory at the slightest nudge. I am grateful for the wonderful three years we've spent together. DS has been happy and healthy, what more can a Mommy ask for her child?

Happy Birthday Sunshine!

View this video montage created at One True Media
Celebrating Jack's Third Birthday


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your DS! And what a beautiful montage! It really is bittersweet. They just grow up so fast and it our minds it does seem like yesterday! Enjoy the birthday weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Erin said...

Time certainly does fly!!! Happy birthday to J!!

Julie said...

Wow! I can't believe he's already 3! I love your montage...very moving. Happy Birthday J!