Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Time Marches On

I can't believe how quickly time is moving these days. DH will be home in just a couple months! It's been a long deployment but now the end is in sight. I'm sure DH is happier than I am he'll be home!

DS is now a "grade schooler". He started Kindergarten yesterday and, so far, loves it. He is adjusting well to his new school and classmates. Today's drop off was harder on me than on him. He ran onto the play yard and didn't look back until I called his name to wave to him. Sigh!

My 20 week u/s was a couple weeks ago - when I was 18 weeks, lol! Baby is growing well and all looks good. We are blue again, which had me disappointed for exactly 30 seconds before I was over myself:-) I'm just so grateful he is apparently healthy and this pg has been pretty smooth. My 3hr GTT results came back with slightly high numbers so they are considering me borderline GD. I knew it would happen and am ready to get to work getting my sugars under control.

1 comment:

Doodle - said...

I am so happy that you will have another wonderful son. And DH is going to be home shortly. You all are amazing!