Thursday, April 23, 2009


Remember how I was freaking out a couple months ago about the surgery DH had and the possible fertility issues it could cause for us? Well, ummmmm, apparently it's not really an issue.

AF should have been here the day DH left to go back overseas. However, when he left she still hadn't shown so I figured, oh, good another 40 day cycle (not!) After all, when you POAS and it says Not Pregnant you kinda just toss it in the trash and move on, right?

Well, cd40 came and went and still no AF. I called my doc and made an appt. They immediately did some blood work and lo and behold - an hcg count of 696! OMG!!! The follow up blood draw was almost double after 36 hrs. Holy crap!

So now we are putting the plan we worked out last year into action - baby asprin and prog supps. I have my next appt on Tuesday. Don't know if they will do an u/s, but I'm hoping! I wasn't temping or anything this cycle so I have NO idea when I O'd.

Over all I'm feeling pretty good. Mild nausea has hit but the fatigue isn't too bad. Of course I don't have time to really think about it like I did with DS:-) That's a good thing because then I can't obsess over every little thing.

We haven't told anyone IRL yet. Just playing it safe until we see a heartbeat. DH is cautiously excited. He admitted to me yesterday that he was very nervous, and I can't say I blame him. I'm feeling the same way.


RollerCoaster said...

I can't express to you how absolutely THRILLED I am for you, your DH, and J! Your hcg number is FANTASTIC and the fact that it doubled in less than 48 hours (when the norm is 48-72) is WONDERFUL! I can't wipe the grin off my face! Many hugs, sticky vibes, and good wishes to you!

Doodle - said...

I am so EXCITED for you all! This is a true answer to prayer. When dh was home on R&R I was hopeful that a little something may happen.

I couldn't be happier if I was in your shoes myself!


Erin said...


Nicole said...

Great News!!!