Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A hard habit to make

They say that repeating the same task 21 times creates a habit. OK, so in my attempts to make this a habit I'm posting today though I don't really have anything to say.

I have an eye doctor appointment in a couple of hours. Can I tell you how much I dislike going to the eye doctor? Not because it's painful but because my eyes are very photo-sensitive. When they want you to "look directly at this light" it is uncomfortable and I can't do it for longer than a couple of seconds.

So, here I sit with my ugly ass glasses on instead of my contacts waiting for time to leave for the doctor. If I could have surgery done to correct my eyesight and NOT have to be awake for it I would, but 1) it's too expensive and 2) you have to be awake. Um, no thank you. I'm vain but not that vain.

Oh, and my glasses make me want to throw up, not because they are ugly but because the prescription is so old I get sea sick wearing them.

Sigh! I'm such a mess...

1 comment:

msfitzita said...

(((HUGS))) I hope the appointment went well and you've put your glasses back on the shelf for a little while.
