Monday, January 12, 2009

Moving On

Well, it's been a couple of weeks and we are doing our best to move on. We've started to really clean up the house so we can think about bringing home a new fur baby in a few weeks. DS is finally understanding that Scruffy won't be coming home. He was very confused at first. We do talk about it when he wants to. The other day he told me he didn't want our new puppy to go to the dr because he wanted it to come home. Sigh! I had to remind him that drs are a good thing (for the most part) and that the dr was not why Scruffy couldn't come home.

I still need to steam clean the carpet in just about every room in the house but it will be worth it to know that the virus is gone. That is the plan for the long weekend. Then we just need to give it a few more weeks and we can start looking for a new friend for DS.

He starts Tball in a few weeks too! We signed up on Saturday. Both of us are very excited:-) I'll post a pic once he gets out on the field.

1 comment:

Doodle - said...
