Friday, December 26, 2008

Post Christmas blahs

I've got a touch of the post Christmas blahs. It's normal for me so I'm not worried.

We did get a dog last weekend! He's the cutest little guy, estimated at about 8 or 9 mos old. He's a beagle/schnauzer mix, or so they think. DS loves him! His name is Scruffy.

Poor Scruffy has been feeling a little under the weather the last couple days. We think he's got Kennel Cough and the vet gave us some meds for him. He's now giving me a hard time about taking the pills so he's feeling better, though not 100%. The coughing is much less than it was too. I feel so bad for him as I know he's not comfortable!

In other news, DH is having the cyst removed tomorrow. I wish I could be there with him. I'm very nervous for him. He agreed to ask them to biopsy it, which is good. Part of me can't help wondering if this might be the reason we've had trouble getting pg the last year or so. Guess we'll have our answers soon enough.


deb said...

Merry Belated Christmas!!


Doodle - said...

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

(I wondered the SAME thing while reading this).