Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Catching Up

It's been a really long week since my last post.

We had company come in from out of state. I like these people in small amounts of time but to have all of them staying in our little apt for 4.5 days was almost too much for me. Thank the stars I had to work most of the time! Any visit with them inevitably leads to at least one argument between me and DH. They are friends of his from way back and he tends to revert to his 18yo self around them. It makes me crazy and we had a knock down, drag out fight about it last week.

All is better now but we still have some underlying issues to deal with. I've been dragging my feet about it but we need to find "an impartial 3rd party" to talk to. I think we just need to learn how to fight constructively.

Then, add to that a potentially serious incident at work. I always worried about something like this happening. I've literally had nightmares about one of the animals involved. Luckily all safety measures worked like they were supposed to and no one got hurt - neither people or animals. It's the side of my job I don't like to dwell on, and I'm not even a "front line" responder in this kind of incident.

And today I get a call that one of the animals I spend time with every day passed away. He was young, only a year and a half, and so sweet - well, sweet for an otter. So playful and full of life. I'm numb and have a ton of questions, most of which may never be answered unfortunately. And, as a mother, I wonder if his mother is even aware of what has happened. They live together so I'm sure there is some kind of awareness that he's not there. I feel bad for her, and for his keepers.

So much sadness and stress in such a short time frame. Luckily I have a little clown of a DS to help get thru it. He's getting so big! He's now washing his own hair in the bath. He does a pretty good job of it too!

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