Monday, September 08, 2008


It's amazing how easy it is to drop out of touch with friends, at least for me. I had a great conversation with one of my sisters today - one I haven't talked to since before Christmas. I love her, we just have very busy lives these days and I haven't had a chance to spend time with her in a while. She's got a very energetic 2yo and I've had a very busy schedule this past year.

Amazingly we ended up talking for almost an hour today! She and her husband have been going thru some TTC "stuff" and we commiserated. It felt good and helped me actually vocalize what I've been thinking - I'm going to just let things unfold this year and re-evaluate our situation once DH gets home next fall.

As for the new job, it's keeping me busy! I can't take my cell phone in (security reasons) and can't get online while at work (again security) but that's ok. There is so much work to do and stuff to learn that there is no way I'd have time for playing on the boards. It's very interesting work and I'm learning so much. By the end of the day I feel like I'm leaking information out my ears! LOL!


RollerCoaster said...

It is funny. I have read a few blogs lately about reflecting or reconnecting with old friends. I am glad the new job is going well!

Doodle - said...

I miss you! I will be here when you have time!