Why is it that men are so dense? I mean seriously! I really wish we were like some species in the animal kingdom that can reproduce without actually needing the help of a male. Then I wouldn't be subject to the "I'm tired" and "You never want to when I want to" bull shit.
So today, well technically yesterday, I was going to get the bd fest going. It's kind of hard to do when your 4yo decides to fight going to sleep but I waited patiently until DH was done being suckered into one more story.
Finally, when DS had calmed down enough to even think about any bding, DH decides that he is more interested in working on the computer. What the hell?! And, the best part, he actually said "How come you only want to when it's time to ovulate and not when I want to?" Oh....my....God! So that effectively ended that! I was so pissed I said fine, whatever, and went to bed.
To answer your question, dumbass, it's not that it's never when you want to, it's that you are too tired, or it's the wrong time of day (?!), or the idea of being pawed at when you decide to come stumbling to bed at 4am and I have to be up at 6am for work just isn't going to cut it! I just want to scream!
And, so now I'm up at 3am with O pains, knowing that my sisters and my mother will be decending on us starting tomorrow and no chance in sight for this cycle. Not even an outside chance.
Just fucking great! This leaves us one cycle left before DH is deployed. Sigh! I'm less and less hopeful that baby number 2 is going to happen.