Sunday, July 30, 2006

Stop Asking Why Already

Why is it that people who shouldn't have babies are able to get one so easily?

This, my friends, is the $64,000 question of the day.

I just got back from taking DH to the airport. On the way there he called a friend of his from home. Now this guy is a nice guy, don't get me wrong. He has two kids from his first marriage. When his marriage went down the drain he hooked up with someone from his work. I think she also has a couple of kids from a previous marriage. In addition to this, J has a granddaughter who is about my son's age (maybe a little older) that he is supporting.

Now, the divorce between J and his first wife was less than pleasent (as if these things could ever be pleasent). He's not married to the gal from work - yet. I know this in and of itself is not reason to think they would be bad parents.

Back in April DH, DS and I had gone to visit the IL and DH's friends, including J. At one point the subject of babies came up and J mentioned that he and his girlfriend decided to NTNP. I immediately thought "Why?!" but managed NOT to say it out loud. At that point DH and I had been TTC actively for 9 or 10 cycles with no success.

Fast forward back to tonight, DH called J to see how things were going and found out that J and his girlfriend are in fact PG - approx 3.5 mos pregnant. By my calculations they got pg about the time we saw them last!

Call me shallow, call me a bitch, whatever. I just could not bring myself to congratulate them tonight. It's not fair that they were able to so quickly achieve what I, and a number of you, are unable to. I try not to judge people by their situations but for crying out loud. This is not the healthiest of relationships.

Sigh! I guess I'm just bitter that we've had to put so much on hold this year. Or maybe it's just the fact that AF decided to rear her ugly head today, three days early. Whatever it is I hope my mood lifts in the morning. It's been a long day.

Friday, July 28, 2006

My Own Little World

Why does the world have to push its way into my little reality? I finally manage to convince myself that things will be ok with DH going overseas and things start to heat up over there again. And to have it intrude in my own city...

I wish I could block out the bad things that are happening. It makes me sick to think that I can't even make life plans beyond the next 6 mos. And that is pushing it. The uncertainty is crushing at times.

Aren't you so glad I'm back with my oh-so-cheery blog entries;-)

As my son would say "Thank you so much Mom-mom!"

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things in Threes

OK, so I'm a total blogging slacker. LOL! So much for posting daily. It was a noble goal...

You know how they say "bad" things happen in threes? Well, we've reached that quota with DH. First was the wallet, then the broken hand. Then, two days before he was scheduled to leave overseas DH fell and split his knee open!

He's got 12 stitches in his knee. The doctors won't release him to go until the wound is completely healed. Apparently the sand over there is really fine and gets into everything no matter how well protected it is. Add to that some nasty bacteria and such and the conditions are not good for someone with a gash from one side of his knee to the other.

On the bright side, he's home on convalescent leave until this coming Sunday. It's been great having him around even though he's not as helpful as he could be if his hand weren't in a brace.
We've been taking advantage of him being home, and me not working yet, and doing a ton of family stuff. The zoo, the water and amusement park, all kinds of fun stuff. My son is really enjoying having daddy home.

OK, I'd better get going. I've got some grocery shopping to do. We start seriously working on potty training next week once our schedule gets back to normal. I'm the potty training woosy of all time. LOL! Now I have no more excuses, it has to get done.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Settling In

Sorry it's been almost two weeks since I checked in. We did in fact make it to Seattle. DS handled the trip like a champ! Of course we all now know the dialogue and lyrics in the movie Chicken Little by heart, lol.

The first week here we did as much as we could as a family before DH had to report back to the base. It was great. I'll have to load up some pics to share with you all.

This week has been a vain attempt at unpacking and organizing all the stuff we brought with us. I fear that some things got left in storage in Arizona. The most important bits - the screws and stuff from DS's bed - I did manage to find. We need them to set up the bunk for my cousins to use next month when they visit. I also got the final application materials taken over to the museum I applied at.

Oh, and an update on the continuing saga of the missing wallet...DH found out on Tuesday this week that he did break his hand. Funny how that will happen when your fist meets the wall at a high rate of speed and velocity! I don't think it would have been so bad if he hadn't insisted on moving alot of the heavy stuff by himself. Luckily it's not so bad and the doctors cleared him to return to duty.

I know I've been a bad board member lately, being MIA and all. I apologize to everyone. This full time Mommy gig is fun but hard. I knew it would be challenging, thanks to the insite from the SAHM on the board.

Speaking of, I'd better head for bed now. DS will be up before I know it. Sleep tight!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Notes from the Road

I'm checking in from the road. We stopped for the night in Redding, CA last night. For those of you unfamiliar with the most direct route from Phoenix to Seattle, we are in No. CA just a couple hours north of Sacramento. It's so beautiful up here. We are getting ready to head into my favorite part of the drive.

My son has done really well on this drive so far (knock on wood). The dvd player in the van really helps. He hasn't caught on to what is going on yet I don't think. The next day or two should be interesting.

I'm exhausted. We didn't get done cleaning the apartment until noon on Saturday. Ugh! I never realized we had so much shit!! A 1000 sq ft apt holds alot of stuff! LOL! Luckily the complex was nice about giving us the extra time.

Well, the troops are beginning to move around so I'd better get ready to hit the road. "See" you all in Seattle.